
Welcome to the Everyday Farm Girl. My name is Jessica and I am a newbie when it comes to planning a homestead. But what I lack in knowledge I make up for with heart. My desire to live a more balanced, sustained, independent lifestyle drives me, and I hope it will drive others as well. We can make a difference. It starts at home. We can change. It starts with ourselves. It's only when we change ourselves that we change the world.



Now is the time to change. Our society is failing us and slowly collapsing. Mental health issues are at an all-time high. Food quality is at an all-time low. It is time to reconnect with nature, our true source of wisdom and knowledge. It is time to learn to live off the land, in harmony with her. It is time to create a more balanced way of life, the way life was meant to be lived.


My Mission:

Unearth inspiration to make a change as I transform my property into a backyard homestead.


This is why I created the Everyday Farm Girl. It is my contribution to help make things a little bit better; to not only help teach me and my daughters about living more aligned with nature, but you too. It is about bringing life back to simplicity, finding a connection with ourselves and nature, and living a more purposeful and balanced life.

So please join me. Let's inspire one another. Let's share our dreams, hopes and stories of making an impact, no matter how small it may seem, to make this world a better place to live and grow in.

Are you looking to buy a country property of your own? If so, visit Jessica D'Arrigo Real Estate for more information on properties for sale, hobby farms, country homes and more!
