Our Homestead


What Is A Homestead?

A homestead is a place where you live; the property (agricultural in nature) and any outbuildings. Anyone can create a homestead. If you have a backyard, you can create a homestead. If you have a balcony or room where you have sunlight, you can create a homestead. If we all chose to utilize our space to connect with nature, grow and harvest, we could create a self-sufficient lifestyle and community.

How We Created Our Homestead

Everyone has unique circumstances with where they live and how they live, but that doesn't have to stop you from creating your own little slice of paradise. We've always had some sort of vision in our minds about living in the country, having lots of gardens, raising chickens and connecting with nature. In December of 2019, we finally made our move to a 5-acre property in Tottenham, Ontario.

At first, we were overwhelmed with the possibilities of owning 5-acres, a barn, a shed and having a 2-and-a-half year old. At this point, it was tough to even formulate a vision. So we took our time, learned what already was growing here, saw how nature's cycles worked and began making some small changes. By not rushing the process and allowing the heart to lead, our vision began to emerge. This brings us to an important part of creating your own homestead: planning.



You don't have to be an artist to map out your homestead (as you can see by our drawing). The point is to just get it down on paper with the expectation that it will change. Ours changes often but we've learned to just go with the flow. That's why we make our plan in pencil as to easily make changes throughout the year.

Each year we make a new plan, adding something more. We make sure to add as much detail as possible. Essentially it is like writing down a dream or a goal. Then we place this plan on our vision board as a daily reminder of what we would like to create and achieve.



With a plan in place, the research process begins. We utilize books such as The Backyard Homestead, The Canadian Edible Garden, and Backyard Chickens. There is such a wide variety of books available, so make sure to read reviews and choose the ones that stand out for you.

Obviously, the internet is an excellent resource for obtaining a broad array of information quickly. I do find however there is a lot of misinformation on the web, so be mindful that the answers you get may not be accurate or apply to you or your area.

That brings us to our favourite source of obtaining information, your neighbours and your community. This can be accomplished by joining an online or in-person gardening group, or simply just speaking with neighbours and friends. Building these types of relationships is not only helpful with your homestead but also fulfilling, long-lasting and rewarding.



Remembering all you've learned or planned for just isn't realistic. That is why we recommended getting a homestead journal. You can fill this book with all of your insights, information, ideas, cutouts and whatever else you find and want to keep. It is very handy to look back over the years to see how your homestead has changed and grown. It's also beneficial to see what worked and didn't work for you, to make sure past mistakes aren't made again.

We also recommend having a dedicated space to keep your journal, books, seeds and any other homestead supplies. This will not only help keep you organized but keep you inspired when you work in this space with these items.



Now, this could be deemed the best part of all: growing! Literally, we mean growing your own trees, fruit, veggies, herbs, chickens, etc. Figuratively, we mean your knowledge and mindset. The reward of enjoying the fruit of your labour on your homestead is truly enlightening. By engaging in the process from start to finish, your appreciation for the seemingly small things in life are amplified.

Living in harmony with the earth, her cycles, connecting to like-minded community members, and sharing this experience and bounty with your family and friends will create balance, alignment and fulfillment. We would love to hear about how homesteading has added value to your life. Please contact us and let us know! We would be honoured to share this information on social media to help inspire all of our followers.
