Kids On The Farm


Kids On The Farm

I swear, one of the most rewarding parenting experiences is watching your kids on the farm. You see them playing and learning through nature, growing into nature lovers. They are curious, ask questions, experiment, are entertained, live in the present moment, and are fulfilled. Actually, these are all the same reasons we as adults love living in the country too!


Here are some of the top values that country living and homesteading inspire in our children:

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Purpose & Passion

Living to create a homestead offers everyone involved a sense of purpose and it seems someone always finds a passion for something. My 5-year-old seems passionate about weeding the gardens. Yay for us! But she also finds joy in collecting chicken eggs, feeding the chickens, and picking vegetables. She naturally knows she has a purpose and pursues anything else that sets fire to her passion.

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Responsibility becomes second nature when living on a farm. There is always meaningful work to be done, for the survival of the farm. Kids in particular are naturally drawn to the sense of responsibility as they see the need and care enough to want to contribute. As parents, this has been the most rewarding experience so far.

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Stability & Growth

Stability and growth may seem a strange combination, but one that provides the perfect alchemy. Growing up on a farm creates a sense of stability, predictability and safety. In contrast, that environment creates the platform for the healthy growth of children mentally, spiritually and physically. It creates a balanced lifestyle, one where life flows with the ups and downs.


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By learning about the cycles of nature and life, our children learn about compassion. Nature and life have many moments that can be labelled as good or bad, but holding compassion for those moments is what makes us and our children strong and graceful.



We are never alone, nor should we feel that way. Life on the farm brings people together and shows the true value of community. A strong sense of belonging is formed in communities and unites our goals and values. It also brings more joy and fulfilment into our lives.

What values do you find life on the farm, homesteading, and country living provide for your family? We would love to hear. Visit our contact page here and let us know!

